Personal work: Macro photography on Exmoor


It was only a matter of time before I got a macro lens…

I’ve been (literally) crawling around the woods looking through my little magnifying loupe having the TIME OF MY LIFE, taking wobbly iPhone snaps through this tiny piece of glass, and then it dawned on me… I could actually just, like… invest in a macro lens for my camera 🙈

It has been AMAZING! (And also, the new lens is beautiful for portraits of humans too!)

I have a lot to learn in the world of macro photography and I’m enjoying the journey of exploring it so much. (Even if the familiar voice of ‘I should be better at this already!’ still comes up. Honestly, who do I think I am!??)

So far I’ve had 3 little outings with it.

Yesterday I realised that macro is one of the first things I got into when I was first lucky to be given a little digital point and shoot camera… I would go out in the garden and take close ups of daisies and ladybirds etc… when you’re a kid your world is so much more filled with the little things, sticks and puddles and drowning earthworms, dandelion sap and snail shells. We are physically closer to them, lower to the ground, and at least for me they were a bigger part of my world and consciousness. I like reconnecting with that a lot.

We went back to the woods next to our old home on Exmoor last month and here are just a few of the shots I captured there.

I’m very grateful to @barrywebbimages and @this_forest_floor (who you should DEFINITELY go check out right now for their inspiring macro work), which has 100% contributed to my renewed love and hobby! Thank you!!!

I hope you feel some of the magic I felt when connecting with these beautiful scenes and beings.