On setting intentions for the week: capture ideas, manage energy, stay connected to inspiration, reduce overwhelm!

I’m sharing this because my weeks and days can feel up and down, like for so many of us, and with it being a quieter period for shoots and very a self-directed time, having my list of intentions to return to on the days when I feel a bit lost or cut off from the world or my vision really helps.

One of the things that’s really helping me in these times of lockdown (and in the before times) is writing them down for the week on a Monday, both work-related intentions and personal ones.


Writing my intentions down for the week...

  • is a way to capture the ideas I want to remember or take action on, which makes me feel lighter and less overwhelmed about the things I have on my mind, in my work life and personally

  • it helps me notice the expectations I am putting on myself and gives me an opportunity to review those, taking some things off the list if I’m setting up unrealistic expectations for myself (it’s winter, it’s a pandemic, it’s hard, doing what we can to conserve our energy is kind and vital)

  • means I get to cross things off a list 😋

  • rather than ‘action steps’ or ‘to-do lists’, writing down ‘intentions’ helps me feel more open and flexible when it comes to working on them. They’re not a rigid list of tasks to complete but an open-feeling list of possibilities. Somehow, framing them this way how my brain works best!

  • on the days when I feel uninspired or further away from myself it reminds me of what I am actually interested in and excited about, and helps me come back to that

  • it feels grounding and clarifying as I can pop some of these intentions straight in my diary and make a plan for the week

  • it gives me the opportunity to check my work / life ‘balance’ and notice where the majority of my energy and thinking is going.

  • over the weeks and months as some of these intentions come to life and some things don’t get done, these lists also provide a trail of ideas and plans that are sometimes really helpful to return to in the future!

I’m sharing this simple practice in case it is useful to anyone else, it may not be the most helpful exercise to everyone because we all work differently, but it’s so benefitting me I wanted to share!

Let me know if you do this too, or decide to try it! xxx