Make Space: acknowledge & honour your needs as a creative & get lit up about Making again
This Spring & Summer, I’m holding space for six fellow creative womxn to pick up your paintbrush, dust off your sewing machine, tune that guitar, (whatever’s your thing!) & Make.
We can go for so long not showing up to paint the painting, compose the song, sculpt the piece, design the space, choreograph the dance, write the poems. Because we’re just too busy. Because we’re not ready. Because we don’t know where to start. Because we’re afraid of who we’d have to become or who we’d have to say no to, if we did. Because…
We can live with this urge to create inside, knowing that what we need is to set a time to explore the first steps, without it ever seeming to be the ‘right time’. Weeks, months, years can pass with a calling in our hearts, but never the space to make.
I know this because it describes me until recently. I love my work as a brand photographer & feel privileged to get to do something that’s so personal, intimate & artful. Yet over the years, I found myself channeling so much of my creative juice into other peoples brands, I rarely showed up for my own creative work.
(Image here was made in Spring 2018 after a long creative drought - I think the vibe of it sums up how I felt!). Day 16: From the archive from #marchmeetthemaker2021
My art was too often pushed back & never consistent. It can be easier to keep saying yes to others than to ourselves.
But over this past year I’ve found the space to make again. And as I’ve flowed with the ups & downs, the busy & the quieter times, I’m committed to continuing to show up for creativity.
And I’d love for you to join me.
Make Space is an intimate 4 month journey for six womxn to reconnect with creativity, starting Saturday 10th April.
With a combo of explorative workshop sessions plus ‘make-a-long' dates, Make Space gatherings are a place in which to acknowledge & honour our needs as creatives, get lit up about Making again thru reflective journal sessions, non-scary sharing circles & actual ‘make-a-long’ dates!
We meet on the second & fourth Sat of each month. This is open to all womxn who’re feeling called to connect with creativity. If you have always wanted to get to know & work with the artist within, this is for you.