Personal brand photography for Psychologists - Dr Sarah Lockley
It was so lovely to work with Dr Sarah Lockley earlier this year in beautiful Market Bosworth!
As a psychologist, Sarah was looking for fresh images that conveyed her warmth, presence and professionalism, and with the launch of a new group program on the horizon, she also wanted more personal images that show her alongside her professional practice for the new website & course materials!
We had such a fun day creating these shots in her gorgeous and peaceful office, as well as around some beautiful local spots. I set up a white studio background for some of these too!
She wanted the images to feel relatable and for them to meet her clients where they’re at. It was important that the shots warm, open, trusting and connected, and be infused with a sense of hope, possibility, integrity, and a sense of humour which is central to her work.
Find out more about Sarah and visit her website here!