Reflections from Brighton


I’m back in Brighton for a few days to record a song with the band I used to be in (so fun!) and it’s so nice to come ‘home’. It’s been exactly a year since we left the city.

‘My’ Brighton is pretty much as I left it, which is quite comforting as I revisit favourite spots and see friends, although I know for many it isn’t the same at all as ‘life’ and the pandemic has obviously transformed elements of everyone’s lives, and many businesses here.

I do notice lots of things look a bit different, shops have come and gone, cafes have opened and closed, and progress is being made to improve some areas. Brighton always feels in flux to me at the best of times though. One of the ways I loved experiencing its story of constant change is through its beautiful architecture, and the layers of old and new (best seen here in the last pic!).

I felt drawn to look at some of my old film photos this afternoon, all taken over the four years I was here. Here are a few.