Simply put, your audience needs to know that you exist in order to benefit from the great things you have to share. We can’t be supported, inspired and nourished by all the goodness of your work in the…
Read MoreHaving a photo-shoot can be soooo much fun, but it’s also totally normal for this to be a daunting idea for many of us! We might hear a questioning voice inside, raising thoughts like:“Who am I to be visible?”…
Read MoreIt’s so exciting to be supplied with a powerful library of new photos you love. Showing up with fresh energy and beautiful visuals can give such you a confidence boost, inspire you to show up…
Read MoreWhen we feel good about our photography it can reduce our resistance around being seen, and make it easier for us to show up and share our message (and our face)! Powerful images help us illustrate what we have to say and…
Read MoreAn appreciation post for just a few of the many furry friends of past photo shoots 🐾 (read: I would please love it if your pets can be present for part of our session 😄)
Read MoreYou know you need new images, but with an abundance of brilliant photographers out there, it can be hard to know where to start! Here are five steps to help you find the best photographer for your next shoot…
Read MoreIt was so exciting to talk with my friend, visibility coach Camille Busson Thompson about getting visible with our work in the world through the magical mediums of photos and video. I shared so many learnings from my experience as…
Read MoreYay for booking a photo-shoot! Amidst the excitement of this expansive step in your business, it’s important to consider when the most optimal time for your session will be, so that we can honour… you and your energy levels…
Read MoreWhether your next photo-shoot is booked and in the diary (CANNOT WAIT!), or whether it’s something you’re planning to schedule later in the year, you can start getting ready right now! Allowing these ideas to percolate sooner than later…
Read MorePlanning what to wear for your session can be an exciting part of the pre-shoot process (and for others of us, this bit might be feeling a bit daunting!). Wherever you’re at right now, I hope my tips below spark inspiration and clarity…
Read MoreAs a personal brand photographer with over a decade of experience, it’s such an honour to witness first-hand the transformational nature of the photo-shoot journey, and the difference it can make for each of my clients…
Read MoreIn case you hadn’t noticed from all my posts(!), this summer I’m celebrating a whole 11 years since starting my business! Woohoo! I’ve been looking back at this past decade or so and reflecting on what this time has held for me…
Read MoreThe setting for your photo-shoot is such an exciting and important element to get clear on well before the day. Featuring heavily in the shots, the location will say a lot about you and your work-in-the-world, setting the scene and…
Read MoreA personal brand photo-shoot can supply you with SO MUCH MORE than just photos. If you’ve had a shoot before, you’ll know that the experience invites you to reflect not only on what you’re going to wear and how you’ll style your…
Read MoreOver the years, as business owners, we… grow with experience & insight, having more to bring to the table, our message shifts as our understanding deepens & expands, our ‘ideal client’ evolves…
Read MoreEver wondered how it all comes together? How the process of a personal brand photo-shoot works, and how it is that you’d come away with a library of images for your biz? It all starts with connection, exploration & finding clarity…
Read MorePhotography has become a vital brand element and tool for connection & visibility in our businesses, especially if what we offer is personal! Many of us use photos on our websites, across social media, and at so many touch points…
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