It was such a pleasure to collaborate on this relaxed personal brand photography session in nature with Misti Bliss, on beautiful Exmoor. When Misti reached out in the summer, she was ready for a…
Read MoreHere are a few frames from a recent explore in the woods where I used to live on Exmoor. Almost nobody except the Red and Roe deer, the fox and the pheasants walk here, so it is a place I find myself creeping around like a weirdo…
Read MoreTaking photos of your loved ones for their business can be super fun, special, a little bit awkward, surprisingly frustrating, and always hilarious. I did lots of shoots for my mum when she had her coaching business (in our…
Read MoreI think I have discovered my favourite colour combination of ALL TIME and they feature in many of these images from a recent trip to Exmoor… the yellowy green mosses of many varieties, miniature pink-teal succulents, the blue greys…
Read MoreIt was only a matter of time before I got a macro lens… I’ve been (literally) crawling around the woods looking through my little magnifying loupe having the TIME OF MY LIFE, taking wobbly iPhone snaps through this tiny…
Read MoreAs always, there are literally wayyy too many photos I want to share here from this amazing shoot with Ebonie!! We had the most fun and beautiful time getting creative at the end of summer, here on Exmoor & on a fabulously rugged…
Read MoreThis time of year calls me back to the woods, the ticks are gone, sweet chestnuts are ripe and the fungi are fruiting.
Read MoreOpposite our bedroom window there is a beautiful old gate. It would once have hung between the huge stone posts at the entrance to the little gatehouse where we live. It rests now, waiting to be restored against a wall that marks…
Read MoreA little bit of that Exmoor magic from an early November walk. ✨ I finished my hike in the dark that day, forgetting how early the sun would set! As I slowly realised halfway through that I’d be walking the last couple of miles in an…
Read MoreIn November I booked a day with incredible wildlife photographer Rupert Smith to learn more about capturing the Red Deer here on Exmoor! Since we moved here a year ago it’s been…
Read MoreLast month when the leaves were weirdly still green and the soapy scent of wild orchids faintly hung in the air, my lovely friend Ruth came to stay. On one of the mornings, we woke to the most incredible mist and sun…
Read MoreTook a bit of an impromptu break from socials the past couple of months and it has been refreshing! It’s been a full…
Read MoreA couple of weeks ago we explored walking in a new direction from our home. I had seen soooo many cute baby…
Read MoreI think this may be the most exciting Spring of my life so far! It feels as though nature is mirroring our own reemergence…
Read MoreI am blown away by the beauty of these images we have created. You are a talent, a gift and a true artist. You made…
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